Executive Strategy Coaching

Being the woman at the top of the organization is exhilarating and can be bigger than life. You are strategically positioned and immersed in endless details. And everyone’s watching…every decision, every action, every move you make. How do you take the company where you want it to go and keep yourself whole at the same time?

Unleashing possibilities.
Melissa coaches women CEOs who are new to their position as they accelerate attaining business goals while imprinting their own style on the business. It’s about leading authentically, being competent, exuding confidence, and making your unique mark on your company.

Supporting stronger leaders.
We’ll work together to focus on what’s important to you – the results you want to have, the team you want to lead, the culture you want to instill. Then we’ll strategize about how you can get there. Along the way you’ll discover how to put your values into action, tap into your own resilience, and lead with clarity and intention.

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