Gestalt Coach Certification Program

Nov 7-12, 2016: Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, Ohio | Week 1, Foundations of Gestalt Coaching

This is week one of a four-week immersion program. Visit the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland website to learn more and register now!

The Gestalt approach offers a dynamic, holistic, and creative approach to coaching. It is the only program based on the Gestalt Coaching Stance first introduced at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland.

The program is dedicated to increasing your awareness of your coaching presence and its impact while deepening your coaching knowledge and skills. Application of International Coach Federation (ICF) and Board Certified Coach (BCC) core competencies are an integral part of the program.

  • Develop a holistic coaching approach
  • Grow personally as well as professionally
  • Gain basic and in-depth coach knowledge
  • Acquire skills in the application of Gestalt concepts and ICF core competencies
  • Gain increased confidence from observed coaching practicums and feedback
  • Have the ability to apply your knowledge and skills to all types of coaching specialties
  • Become a Gestalt Professional Certified Coach

Program brochure [PDF]